Taapsee has bagged yet another crazy offer in Bollywood, if the latest buzz in the industry is anything to go by. The actress is said to have bagged one of the lead roles in an action drama which will be produced by Anurag Kashyap. Interestingly, it’s said to be based on a real life incident and Taapsee will undergo extensive training to play the role of a shooter. More details about this film are awaited.
Apart from this film, Taapsee is going to collaborate with Anurag Kashyap for another film titled Manmarziyan, which also stars Vicky Kaushal. Currently, Taapsee is busy shooting for her upcoming Telugu film along with Aadhi Pinisetty.
2017 was a fabulous year for Taapsee with films like Naam Shabana and Judwaa 2 cementing her position as a lead actress in Bollywood. And it looks like 2018 will only reaffirm her status as a force to reckon with in Bollywood.