During a showroom inauguration in Hyderabad around a week ago, star heroine Tamannaah had faced an embarrassing incident. A young man hurled his shoe at Tamannaah much to everyone’s shock. He was immediately caught by the bouncers and handed over to the cops.
Tamannaah opened up about the incident in her latest interaction with an English daily. Taking the incident sportingly, Tamannaah said, “You can’t help when somebody reacts in a certain way. There was a lot of security at the venue. As an actor, we keep quiet when people welcome us with flowers. So, at times people also throw shoes.”
The man first said that he was not happy with the kind of movies Tamannaah has been doing of late. However, he confessed during the police grilling that he had no intention of attacking the actress, but was upset with the bouncers for stopping him from meeting her.