Released on this day, in 2015, Young Tiger NTR and Puri Jagannadh’s intense action drama, Temper, won everyone’s hearts and went on to become a hit at the box-office. Especially, NTR’s performance in the court scene is hailed as one of the best in his career.
As the film turned 3, Puri Jagannadh took to Twitter and went nostalgic saying that Temper is a proud film in his list. Puri went on to say that Tarak gives him an immense high as an actor. The director thanked the film’s writer Vakkantham Vamsi and fans.
Yessssssss ! #Temper is a proud film in my list , as an actor @tarak9999 gives me immense high .. thanks to #VakantamVamsi n all the fans 👍🏼#3YearsOfTemper .. love u all
— PURI JAGAN (@purijagan) February 13, 2018