The Kerala Story, starring Adah Sharma in the lead role, is doing well at the box office. Sudipto Sen is the helmer of this controversial Hindi movie, which faced a ban yesterday in West Bengal.
On Monday, the film collected a massive Rs. 10 crores Nett, surpassing its opening day collections (over Rs. 8 crores Nett). With this, the movie has raked in more than Rs. 45 crores in just 4 days. Despite a busy day, the movie managed to make big bucks at the box office. The positive word of mouth and the protests keep the film a trending topic in the news.
Vipul Amrutlal Shah of Sunshine Pictures produced this movie, which has Siddhi Idnani, Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, and Vijay Krishna in key roles. Keep browsing this space for more interesting updates.