The Kerala Story has been creating ripples at the box office. The movie, despite having bad reviews, has succeeded in winning over the audiences. Adah Sharma played one of the lead roles in this flick which is said to be based on a few true events in the state of Kerala.
The movie till yesterday has collected a nett of 93 crores, and it is all set to cross the 100 crores mark today. The film is expected to have rock-solid collections for a few more days. Also, there are no noted releases in the coming days, and this should help the film significantly.
Sudipto Sen directed The Kerala Story, which was backed by Vipul Amrutal Shah. Apart from producing, Vipul Amrutal Shah is also the creative director of the film. Yogita Bihani, Sonia Balani, Siddhu Idnani, Devadarshini, and Vijay Krishna played other key roles. Viresh Sreevalsa and Bishakh Jyoti composed the tunes.