Sun Music, popular Tamil music channel, landed in a major controversy yesterday evening when a video where couple of anchors took a dig at Suriya’s height went viral on the internet. And quickly, their comments spiralled into a full-blown controversy which brought together the entire Tamil film fraternity to openly criticise the channel.
Among the top actors, Vishal took a strong stand against the TV channel. Referring to the video, he said, “Funny !! ???? Absolutely not. How unethical in the name of sense of humour. Totally senseless.” That’s not all. Fans of several other actors too slammed the channel for their unwarranted comments and asked for an unconditional and public apology on behalf of Suriya.
Meanwhile, Suriya’s latest film Thaana Serndha Koottam is doing quite well at the box-office in Tamil Nadu. In AP and Telangana too, the film is expected to be in a profit zone.