Actor Vishwaksen launched the theatrical trailer of the upcoming film Manu Charitra, directed by debutant Bharath Pedagani and starring young hero Shiva Kandukuri. The movie features Megha Akash, Priya Vadlamani, and Pragathi Shrivatsav as the heroines.
Produced by N Sreenivasa Reddy and Ronnson Joseph under Apple Tree Entertainments, Manu Charitra follows the story of Shiva’s character, who has different love stories at different ages but breaks up with all the girls for various reasons. He also has enemies who are looking to finish him off.
Shiva Kandukuri delivers an impressive performance in the role, showcasing great variance in his portrayal of the character’s different ages. Although the love stories are short-lived, there is magic in each one.
The trailer also suggests that the film will have intense action scenes. Manu Charitra is set to release in theaters worldwide on June 23, 2023, with Gopi Sundar as the music director.