Young actor Vishwaksen’s second directorial, Das Ka Dhamki, is gearing up for its theatrical release on March 22nd. The hype and expectations around the movie have reached the next level after NTR took part in the pre-release event a couple of days ago.
Meanwhile, Vishwaksen is leaving no stone unturned to promote the film. In a recent interview, he opened up about the two recent controversies he was involved in – replacing the original director to don the director’s hat for Das Ka Dhamki and walking out of senior hero Arjun’s directorial after the film’s formal launch.
When asked about both the controversies, Vishwak gave a very mature response. Talking about replacing Naresh Koppili as the director of Das Ka Dhamki, Vishwak said, “after witnessing his directorial skills in Paagal, I felt he’ll do justice to Das Ka Dhamki and we had even commenced the shooting under his direction. But there was a mismatch in his execution and the story we had on paper. So I took over the responsibilities as the director. I must clarify that there was no misunderstanding between us and I had also promised to act in a movie under his direction in future.”
And, talking about quitting Arjun’s directorial featuring his daughter Aishwarya Arjun, Vishwaksen politely said that he would not make any comments now out of respect for everyone involved with that project.