Speaking at the pre-release event of her upcoming horror thriller Bhaagamathie tonight, star heroine Anushka said that Bhaagamathie is very close to her heart. “After spending such a long time on this project, I would have felt bad if some other actress did Bhaagamathie in my place,” Anushka said.
Anushka thanked the film’s producers at UV Creations for patiently waiting for her dates even though she had okayed the script way back in 2012. The actress went on to thank the film’s cast and crew, saying that Bhaagamathie is a complete team effort. The film also stars Malayalam actors Unni Mukundan and Jayaram in pivotal roles.
Pilla Jamindar fame Ashok has directed Bhaagamathie. The film is releasing in Telugu, Tamil and Malayalam on January 26. SS Thaman has scored a riveting soundtrack for the movie.