Rukshar Mir, who made her debut with Aakatayi, is all set to enter the big league with her second film Krishnarjuna Yuddham. The actress is paired opposite Nani in this action entertainer which also stars Anupama Parameshwaran.
The film’s shooting is in the final stages, and with just about couple of weeks left, the actress is eagerly awaiting to see how people react to her performance. Talking about her co-star Nani, Rukshar said, “I prefer to be as natural as possible when acting, and considering Nani is called ‘Natural Star’, acting with him was enlightening – he was effortless. When I felt like I was doing a bit too much, watching him helped me mellow down. He also gave me suggestions on how to make a scene look better and was happy with the kind of work I did.”
Directed by Merlapaka Gandhi, the film is slated for release on April 12. Nani will be seen in dual roles in this film.