After 7 years, the Malayalam film industry now has a new all-time highest grosser. The recently released survival drama, 2018, has scripted history by emerging as the highest grossing Malayalam movie of all-time within just 17 days of its release. So far, the Tovino Thomas-starrer has grossed Rs 137.60 crore worldwide and has dethroned Mohanlal’s Pulimurugan (Rs 137.35 Cr) to claim the number one position.
In Kerala state alone, 2018 has collected a gross of Rs 65.25 crore, while another Rs 8.40 crore is collected from the Rest of India. In the overseas, the film has collected $7.72 million (Rs 63.95 Cr), taking the total worldwide gross to Rs 137.60 crore. However, 2018 is still at the 4th position in the list of top grossers in Kerala. The film is next to Pulimurugan (Rs 78.50 Cr), Baahubali 2 (Rs 73 Cr) and KGF Chapter 2 (Rs 68.50 Cr). Given the huge daily collections, 2018 is sure to overtake all the above-mentioned movies by the end of next week.
2018 is based on the 2018 Kerala floods that claimed hundreds of lives and brought the entire state to a standstill. The Jude Anthany Joseph directorial features Tovino Thomas, Kunchacko Boban, Asif Ali, Vineeth Sreenivasan, Tanvi Ram, Aparna and Lal in pivotal roles. Venu Kunnappilly, CK Padma Kumar and Anto Joseph are the producers.