Actor Adivi Sesh, who has been appearing in a series of thrillers such as Goodachari, Evaru, Major, HIT 2 and the ongoing Goodachari 2, has taken a break from thrillers. The actor took to Twitter this evening and made a surprise announcement on his next.
Sesh revealed that his next project after Goodachari 2 will be an out-and-out love story. However, it’s going to be a long wait for all his fans, às the official announcement will be made only after a few months. Sesh has kept everything about his next project under wraps and has not revealed the name of the director who will be helming the project.
Sesh is currently shooting for the highly-anticipated sequel to his acclaimed spy thriller, Goodachari. The film is being directed by debutant Vinay Kumar Sirigineedi, who was one of the editors of Sesh’s pan-India film, Major.
Next one (other than G2) will be a Love Story. ❤️
Will Announce in the coming months.
— Adivi Sesh (@AdiviSesh) June 12, 2023