The action drama Thugs starring Hridhu Haroon, Bobby Simha, RK Suresh, Munishkanth, and Anaswara Rajan in the lead roles, received rave reviews from critics. The movie is helmed by choreographer-turned-director Brinda, and it was released in multiple languages. Prestigious Mythri Movie Makers released the Telugu version, which was titled Konaseema Thugs.
The latest news is that the movie will be available for streaming on Jio Cinema from tomorrow. However, there is only clarity about the Tamil version, and it needs to be seen when the other versions will be made available for streaming. The film is the official remake of Swathanthryam Ardharathriyil.
Thugs has been produced by Riya Shibu and Mumthas M under HR Pictures and Jio Studios banners. Appani Sarath, P.L. Thenappan, and Ramya Sekhar played other crucial roles. Sam C.S. composed the tunes while Priyesh Guruswamy handled the cinematography.