Devil, an upcoming pan-Indian spy action film, is set to hit theaters on December 29, 2023. Directed and produced by Abhishek Nama, the movie stars Samyuktha as the female lead and features Nandamuri Kalyan Ram in a unique role as an Indian working for the British.
In a recent chat, Rajesh, the person in charge of designing the costumes for Devil, shared how they came up with the hero’s look. He said, “When Abhishek Nama shared the story, we wanted the hero’s outfits to reflect his Indian roots while working as a British Agent. So, we decided to make his wardrobe all about Indianism, adding things like a Dhoti and a waistcoat to make it special.”
Rajesh shared some cool facts about the costumes:
1. The hero, Kalyanram, changes his outfit a whopping 90 times in the movie.
2. They used 60 blazers made from special wool from Italy.
3. Each blazer hides a Kurta and Dhoti made from comfy Indian cotton.
4. Making each outfit (blazer, kurta, and dhoti) takes about 11.5 meters of fabric.
5. To make the hero look even cooler, they added 25 waistcoats.
6. They got a fancy watch from Delhi to match the blazer near the pocket.
Devil is Rajesh’s 60th movie, and it’s his 8th time working with Kalyanram. Known for his work in movies like MLA, 118, and Entha Manchivadavura, Rajesh is also busy with 3 more films. Keep an eye out for more updates on this exciting project.