Renowned Telugu anchor and host, Suma Kanakala, has turned actress for Jayamma Panchayathi. Written and directed by Vijay Kumar Kalivarapu, the movie is gearing up for a release on May 6, 2022.
As the release date is nearing, the makers have kickstarted the promotions. As a part of that, they have released the Golusu Kattu Gosalu song from the movie. Sung by the composer MM Keeravaani and Charu Hariharan, the song is so emotional and indeed hints at the core theme of the movie.
Chaitanya Prasad’s lyrics and Charu Hariharan’s vocals made the song a good one. We need to wait to see how it would be on the silver screen. Bankrolled by Balaga Prakash under the Vennela Creations banner, the village drama has Anush Kumar as director of photography and Ravi Teja Girijala as the editor.