Hridayam, a Malayalam coming-of-age romantic drama starring Pranav Mohanlal, Darshana Rajendran, and Kalyani Priyadarshan, was a stupendous blockbuster at the ticket windows. Darshana became quite famous with this movie, and especially Darshana song turned out to be a massive chartbuster. Darshana’s stunning performance made her everyone’s favorite. She had been in the industry for a long time, but she got a huge breakthrough with Hridayam.
Later she acted in another Malayalam blockbuster Jaya Jaya Jaya Jaya Hey. The latest to be known is that this Malayali beauty will make her Tollywood debut soon. A couple of days back, we reported that Anupama signed her new Telugu project that will be directed by Kandregula of Cinema Bandi fame.
Darshana will share screen space with another Keralite in her Telugu debut film, as per the official info. The movie will be produced by Vijay Donkada, who served as the executive producer for Cinema Bandi. Will it be a female-centric film? Or will there be a male protagonist? We must wait for a while to know that.