Promising actor Naga Shaurya has joined hands again with the actor-director Srinivas Avasarala for Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi (PAPA). Malavika Nair is the female lead in this rom-com entertainer, scheduled to hit screens on March 17, 2023.
After releasing a feel-good teaser, the makers kickstarted the musical promotions today. As a part of it, the first single, Kanula Chatu Meghama, nicknamed a breakup ghazal was released online. Sung by Aabhas Joshi and lyricised by Lakshmi Bhupal, the track is composed by Kalyani Malik.
The song is a fond throwback to the yesteryear era in terms of its musical texture, mellifluous rendition beautified by the terrific use of traditional instrumentation. The track, set amidst a wedding at a scenic location, is full of delightful montages revolving around the lead pair while discussing the ephemeral nature of their relationship.
Phalana Abbayi Phalana Ammayi also stars Srinivas Avasarala, Megha Chowdhury, Ashok Kumar, Abhishek Maharshi, Sri Vidya, Varanasi Soumya Chalamcharla, Harini Rao, Arjun Prasad, and others in key roles. People Media Factory bankrolled this flick in association with Dasari Productions.