Young and promising actor Sharwanand is preparing for his wedding with Rakshitha Reddy, a software engineer, which is set to take place in Jaipur on June 3, 2023. However, the actor’s car was involved in a minor accident this morning.
According to reports, Sharwanand’s car lost control at Film Nagar Junction in Hyderabad. Fortunately, the actor was not injured, and the car suffered only a few scratches. Sharwanand’s family and fans are relieved that he is safe and unharmed. The actor’s team has confirmed that he is doing well and did not sustain any injuries in the accident.
On the work front, Sharwanand is currently filming a movie with director Sriram Adittya. Krithi Shetty is the female lead in this People Media Factory production, with Hesham Abdul Wahab composing the music.