Vivek Ranjan Agnihotri created a sensation with The Kashmir Files, which was a mammoth blockbuster. His next movie is The Vaccine War which will depict certain chapters about COVID-19 and vaccination drills in India. Initially, it was announced that the movie will release in theatres on August 15, 2023.
However the latest developments state otherwise. The makers have revealed that the film’s last schedule commenced today. It was further stated that the movie would hit the screens very soon. The movie will release in Hindi, English, Gujarati, Punjabi, Bhojpuri, Bengali, Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Kannada, Urdu, and Assamese languages.
Pallavi Joshi of I Am Buddha Productions, in association with Abhishek Agarwal, is bankrolling The Vaccine War. Nana Patekar, Anupam Kher, and Kantara fame Sapthami Gowda are essaying crucial roles in this flick.