Hero Nani’s as-yet-untitled 30th film, also starring Sita Ramam actress Mrunal Thakur, is fast nearing completion. In fact, the buzz has it that the makers will be completing the shoot one month ahead of the planned schedule. Already, a major portion of the film’s shoot was wrapped up in a lengthy schedule in Goa.
And recently, the movie’s unit also wrapped up yet another crucial schedule in Mumbai. Several important talkie scenes, also featuring Babi Kiara Khanna, were canned in the Mumbai schedule. The makers released a small video in which Nani is seen walking on the Marine Drive with his face covered with a hoodie. The video ends with a breathtaking view off a hill in Coonoor, where the unit will be heading for the next major schedule.
Debutant Shouryuv is directing the film, while Mohan Cherukuri (CVM) and Dr Vijender Reddy Teegala are producing the movie under Vyra Entertainments banner. Malayalam composer Hesham Abdul Wahab of Hridayam fame is composing the music. The film is slated for release on December 21.