Actor and Jana Sena Chief Pawan Kalyan commenced his Varahi Yatra today in Kathipudi, Andhra Pradesh. Pawan will interact with multiple people during this bus tour to understand their issues. During his speech today, Powerstar made some interesting comments.
Pawan said he is one of the highest-paid actors in the country and added that had he remained calm, no one would have abused him. Pawan Kalyan further said he couldn’t remain silent if he saw people going through gross injustice. The star actor stated, “I won’t be satisfied just by showcasing that injustice in my films, and hence I entered politics to do something good for society .”
Pawan Kalyan will be busy with this bus tour for a while, and hence the producers of his upcoming films decided to conduct the film shootings in the vicinity of Mangalagiri. Pawan Kalyan currently has OG, Ustaad Bhagat Singh, BRO, and Hari Hara Veera Mallu in his pipeline.