It’s well-known that TRS party’s Nizamabad MP Kavitha, during her recent post-budget speech in the Parliament, demanded the BJP government to keep its promises made to Andhra Pradesh in 2014. Kavitha even concluded her speech with the Jai Andhra slogan and her gesture was appreciated by everyone.
This morning, film star and Janasena Party President Pawan Kalyan took to Twitter and thanked TRS MP Kavitha from “the bottom of his heart”. Pawan addressed Kavitha as his “sister” and thanked her for supporting the aspirations of the people of Andhra Pradesh regarding the “pledged words and promises“ made by the centre in the Parliament at the time of state bifurcation.
I thank you from the bottom of my heart. “Chellelu Kavitha gariki”(TRS -MP)👏👏 for her support to the people of AP regarding the “pledged words & promises“made by the centre in the Parliament at the time of state bifurcation.
— Pawan Kalyan (@PawanKalyan) February 10, 2018