Star actress Samantha is currently acting in the Indian installment of Citadel, which is being directed by The Family Man director duo Raj & DK. Samantha received solid appreciation from all corners for her bold role in The Family Man Season 2, and hence there are good expectations on Citadel.
This Indian version of Citadel also stars Bollywood star hero Varun Dhawan in another lead role. Today Varun Dhawan and Samantha met the Honorable President of India, Smt. Droupadi Murmu in Serbia. Varun took to his Instagram and shared the lovely picture.
Varun wrote that it is the privilege of the Citadel team to meet the Indian President. The picture is creating ripples on social media. Apart from Citadel, Samantha is also part of Kushi, which stars Vijay Deverakonda as the protagonist. On the other hand, Varun Dhawan’s next theatrical release will be Nitesh Tiwari’s directorial Bawaal, which has Janhvi Kapoor as the female lead.