Telangana Minister of Health, Medical & Family Welfare T Harish Rao and India’s numero uno director Rajamouli were the special guests at the inaugural ceremony of Little Stars & She Women and Children Hospital in Banjara Hills on Sunday. The 130-bed capacity hospital provides obstetrics and gynecological services with added super specialties in pediatrics.
Speaking at the event, Rajamouli said he is a big fan of Harish Rao. The RRR director went on to reveal that he had visited Nagpur by road around a decade ago and that he noticed a drastic stark difference in the development of Harish Rao’s constituency Siddipet and the neighbouring constituency. He said he became a fan of Harish Rao since then.
And Harish Rao heaped praises on Rajamouli for taking Telugu cinema to the global stage through his Oscar-winning movie, RRR. “Rajamouli’s movies always inspire patriotism and social responsibility among audiences. I congratulate him on the Oscar and wish him more success in future,” the minister said. Harish Rao also revealed how Rajamouli and his friend have been providing free medical services for poor children over the years.
It is always refreshing to meet and greet the man who took Telugu Cinema to the Oscar arena. @ssrajamouli garu.
— Harish Rao Thanneeru (@BRSHarish) June 11, 2023