The centenary celebrations of the legendary Telugu actor Sr. NTR took place at Kaithalapur Grounds in Kukatpally, Hyderabad, today. Some noted actors from the Telugu industry graced it, and one of them was Mega Powerstar Ram Charan.
Ram Charan said that one should always follow the steps of legends like NTR Garu. Charan said that all the artists would reminisce about Sr. NTR during the shoot every day. The star actor added that Sr. NTR brought worldwide fame to the Telugu film industry. Charan stated that he is so lucky and proud to have associated with the Telugu film industry, which Sr. NTR was a part of.
Ram Charan shared his fond memories of Sr. NTR too. He revealed that he and Purandeswari’s son used to go to staking classes, and that is when he met Sr. NTR when the legendary actor was CM. Charan said Sr. NTR was enjoying his breakfast when he met him, and the senior actor also served him food. Ram Charan added that he couldn’t forget those moments.
“Till TFI remains, Sr. NTR Garu’s name will be remembered,” said Charan. The mega actor went on to say that it was NTR who showed the world the power of Telugu cinema. Charan thanked TDP Chief Nara Chandrababu Naidu for conducting such an event to reminisce about the late actor. Charan further revealed that Balakrishna never misses their functions and thanked the Nandamuri actor for inviting him.