Tollywood stars are venturing into production with different motives, and the latest to join this list is Global Star Ram Charan. He, along with Vikram of UV Creations, established a new production house named V Mega Pictures, and they intend to encourage young and new talent.
Now the latest news is that V Mega Pictures will collaborate with the successful PAN Indian production house Abhishek Agarwal Arts, owned by Abhishek Agarwal. Abhishek Agarwal Arts have already produced PAN Indian blockbusters The Kashmir Files and Karthikeya 2, and their lineup is also looking crazy.
Hence this collaboration is going to be a sensation, and we can definitely expect some path-breaking movies from them. The first project in their association will be a PAN Indian flick, and a young hero will play the lead role in it. The details about this film will be unleashed tomorrow. This announcement is sure to create great curiosity among movie fanatics and fans.