In mid-August 2023, Tollywood actor Vishnu Manchu marked the commencement of his ambitious project, Kannappa, with a traditional pooja ceremony held in Sri Kalahasti. Directed by Mukesh Kumar Singh, the film has quickly become a hot topic of conversation.
Breaking news reveals that the renowned pan-Indian star Prabhas has officially signed up for a significant role in Kannappa. Vishnu Manchu shared his enthusiasm on his social media account by writing Hara Hara Mahadev, quoting a post, and indirectly confirming Prabhas’ participation in the project.
In addition to Prabhas, there is growing anticipation for the announcement of other esteemed actors joining the cast. This high-profile project, jointly produced by Ava Entertainment and 24 Frames Factory, is poised to start filming soon. The talented duo of Manisharma and Stephen Devasi will handle the musical composition for this venture. Stay tuned to this page for the latest updates on this exciting development.