Ace producer Dil Raju’s nephew Ashish Reddy got introduced to the silver screen with the film Rowdy Boys. After the college drama, the actor is currently part of the film Selfish. The movie is directed by Kasi Visal, who worked for many Sukumar films in the past.
Marking the eve of Ugadi, the makers released a brand new poster. Seen here in the pic is Ashish Reddy sporting a mass look with messy hair. The makers came up with a caption: “A selfish hero who wants life’s sweetness but not life’s sourness and bitterness.”
Inside the poster, it is written: “Reserved for my love.” It seems like Selfish is a love drama set in the backdrop of Hyderabad. Dil Raju and Sukumar jointly produced this film under Sree Venkateswara Creations and Sukumar Writings banners. Mickey J Meyer composes the soundtracks.