It is a known fact that the movie theatres in the country will be starting from tomorrow onwards with 50% capacity. There are mixed reactions to this from the public.
The news was that all those films which were out on OTT platforms will come out on these screens. But the latest we hear is that some major big multiplex giants like PVR, INOX, and CARNIVAl have decided not to air these films.
Instead, they will air some old films like Tanhaji, Malang, Subh Mangal Zyada Savdhan, Kedarnath, and Thappad. The other single screens and multiplexes in the country will air these OTT releases as usual.
So, in the days to come, we need to see what Telugu releases will be out here in Telugu states. As of now, there is no clarity as to whether the theatres will open tomorrow or not in the first place.