Srikanth Addala is a noted name in Tollywood who delivered superhits like Kotha Bangaru Lokam and Seethamma Vaakitlo Sirimalle Chettu. Just with his second film, he got the golden opportunity to direct Mahesh Babu and Venkatesh. As the film went on to become a glorious and memorable flick, Srikanth Addala became a top director in the industry.
Hence Mahesh offered him another chance with Brahmotsavam, but unfortunately, it was a huge disaster. After that, he bounced back with Narappa, the Telugu remake of Asuran. Now after a gap of 2 years, the director has started his new project.
It will be backed by Akhanda producer Miryala Ravinder Reddy. The first look and title will be unveiled on 2nd June at 11:39 AM. The details regarding the cast and crew will be announced on June 2.