Today marks the birthday of the happening actress Sreeleela. The young actress is part of multiple projects, and hence there have been raining updates from the production houses. The makers of Guntur Kaaram, Nithiin 32, Bhagavanth Kesari, and RAPO – Boyapati have released special posters of Sreeleela on this occasion.
Now the makers of Pawan Kalyan’s Ustaad Bhagat Singh have dropped a cute poster of Sreeleela. The actress looks gorgeous in this poster sporting a saree. The buzz has it that apart from Sreeleela, Ustaad Bhagat Singh also features another heroine.
Harish Shankar is directing this commercial entertainer. The film is being produced on a lavish scale by Naveen Yerneni and Y Ravi Shankar of Mythri Movie Makers. Ashutosh Rana, Gauthami, Naga Mahesh, and Temper Vamsi essay important roles.