Mega Prince Varun Tej will be next seen in the action thriller Gandeevadhari Arjuna. Directed by Praveen Sattaru, the movie is said to be based on an important global issue. Agent beauty Sakshi Vaidya is playing the love interest of Varun Tej. The team headed to Hungary a few days back to shoot some key scenes.
Now the production house informed that this key and energetic schedule in Hungary had been wrapped. “Brace yourselves for some high-octane action on the big screen,” read the caption of the production house’s social media tweet. Majority of the film’s shoot is happening in foreign countries.
Mickey J Meyer is composing the tunes, and veteran producer BVSN Prasad is bankrolling the film under the Sri Venkateswara Cine Chitra banner. Vinay Rai plays the antagonist. Gandeevadhari Arjuna marks the 12th film for Varun Tej. The release date is yet to be announced.
Mega Prince @IAmVarunTej’ much anticipated #GandeevadhariArjuna has completed a Key & Energetic schedule in Hungary🔥
Brace yourselves for some high octane Action on the big screen💥@sakshivaidya99 @PraveenSattaru @MickeyJMeyer @BvsnP @SVCCofficial
— SVCC (@SVCCofficial) May 27, 2023