Chiyaan Vikram’s long-delayed spy thriller, Dhruva Natchathiram, has been in the making for over 5 years now. The Gautham Menon directorial is finally back in the limelight and is expected to be gearing up for a huge release worldwide on July 14, but an official confirmation is awaited.
Now, the latest updates reveal that popular Tamil producer SS Lalith Kumar, who is currently producing star hero Vijay’s Leo, is said to be releasing Dhruva Natchathiram across Tamil Nadu. Apparently, Lalith Kumar recently watched the Vikram-starrer and was quite impressed with the movie.
Dhruva Natchathiram also stars Ritu Varma, Aishwarya Rajesh, Simran and Arjun Das in key roles and Harris Jayaraj is the composer. In all likelihood, the film’s theatrical trailer will be out on June 17.