Here’s an exciting update for all the fans of star hero Suriya. The Kanguva actor is gearing up for his big Bollywood debut later this year. As per the latest updates, Suriya is in advanced talks with acclaimed Hindi filmmaker Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra for a high budget 2-part mythological epic, titled Karna. As the title suggests, the film is based on the iconic Karna character from the epic Mahabharata.
Apparently, Suriya and Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra have been discussing Karna for a long time now and things seem to be falling in place finally. Suriya is said to be quite excited to be joining forces with the Rang De Basanti director. If things go as planned, Karna will be going on floors in 2024, after Suriya wraps up Kanguva and a quickie with his Soorarai Pottru director Sudha Kongara.
Karna is said to be Rakeysh Omprakash Mehra’s dream project and he has been working on it for a while now. The film will have a huge pan-Indian release in multiple languages in 2025. Stay tuned for further updates on this massive collaboration.